
inspire+ recently held a remarkable FA Girls event in partnership with Barclay’s Girls Football School Partnerships and England Football, and it was a resounding success. The day was filled with energy, excitement, and a shared passion for football, as young girls from across the region came together to participate in a sport that has often been viewed through a masculine lens.

The event wasn’t just about football; it was about breaking stereotypes and challenging perceptions. It provided an opportunity for these girls to step outside of societal norms and embrace the sport in a way that empowered them to feel confident and capable. Seeing these young athletes on the field, playing with such determination and joy, was a powerful reminder of how important it is to create spaces where girls feel comfortable exploring their interests without judgment or limitation.

Throughout the day, it was clear that the environment inspire+ had cultivated was one of support and encouragement. Coaches and volunteers worked hand in hand with the participants, fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging. It wasn’t just about teaching football skills—although that was certainly a key component—it was about inspiring these girls to develop a love for the game and a belief in their own abilities.

As the event unfolded, it was heartwarming to see the transformation in many of the girls. Some arrived a little hesitant, unsure of their place on the pitch, but as the day progressed, they became more comfortable, more active, and more engaged. By the end, it was clear that many of them had discovered a newfound passion for the sport, one that would stay with them long after the event ended.

This FA Girls event, held in a place of non-judgment, exemplified what can happen when we provide young girls with the tools, support, and encouragement to follow their passions. inspire+ is incredibly proud to have been a part of this initiative, working alongside Barclay’s Girls Football School Partnerships and England Football to create a space where every girl felt valued and inspired to play. Together, we are helping to build a future where football—and all sports—are seen as places of opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender.

Watch a recap of the FA Girls hosted by inspire+ here

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