Little Movers is an inspire+ initiative aimed at 2-5 year olds to help encourage and develop their fundamental and cognitive motor skills, secondary learning outcomes include communication and teamwork. It can also provide CPD/team teaching for nursery staff in their knowledge, understanding and confidence in delivering physical activity.
This 6 week course covers a variety of topics to encourage a healthy, happy and active lifestyle from an early age.
This programme is personal and individual to each Nursery/EYFS setting, as whilst we have a general programme, we work with staff to create a plan which allows us to deliver content more relevant to their children’s needs.
We have aspirations of making little movers a community project and getting pupils from different Nurseries and EYFS settings together for a fun, loud and enjoyable session for all.
Since the start of the initiative, we’ve seen great success seeing well over 200+ children; now regularly seeing over 100+ children 2-5 years of age a week. We’re very happy with how the initiative has taken off and the popularity of it.
““We liked doing the exercises with Jasmine, it makes us feel good!” “ We love the shark game and kicking the balls around!” “We really enjoy the running games, they make us feel happy” -Woodlands Nursery Pre-Schoolers
“Very well structured, active, appropriate time spent on each game before moving on. Excellent management of the very young children in an age appropriate way. We also put it on Tapestry (our online learning journal) and there were nice comments from parents about how much their child had enjoyed the session.” Harrowby Infants CofE School