Oscar Parnham
Apprentice of the Month – October 2022
Oscar Parnham has loved sports since Primary School. He has been teaching kids in different clubs for many years now. In 2021, Oscar decided to become a PE apprentice to help children learn about the benefits of sports as he did.
As part of his apprenticeship, he has been working for St. Sebastian’s Church of England Primary School in Grantham since last year and receiving training from inspire+.
After being nominated by his mentor, Kiala Burton, for the inspire+ Apprentice of the Month Award, he won the trophy and all the glory that comes with it.
Since he started working in the school, he constantly goes above and beyond, not just teaching PE lessons but also running sensory circuit sessions with children; he is responsible for physiotherapy for some children – which includes meeting with professionals and feeding back to parents. The breakfast club is more popular than ever after he had introduced exercise elements into it.
“The children and staff all love Oscar. We are so pleased he is staying on to do his level 4 apprenticeship as he would’ve left a hole in the school, which would have been almost impossible to fill.”, said Kiala.
After completing the Level 2 – PE, Sports, and Well-being Apprenticeship last year, he proceeded to the Level 4 – Sports Coach Programme, which means he will stay a little longer at the school and continue providing the children with a fantastic experience on his PE lessons.
To find out more about our apprenticeships, visit www.inspireplus.org.uk/apprenticeships