
Sophie Devenish

As a young girl growing up in a small Village in Lincolnshire, swimming wasn’t my favourite sport; until my older brother started going. I looked up to him in every aspect of life, but in particular sport. He championed me in everything we did and as a competitive girl, I refused to accept this. Swimming was the closest I got to beating my brother, so I took my opportunity and stuck at it.

Having discovered my passion for swimming, and winning; the sport slowly took over my life. Step by step, goal by goal, it became an obsession. Throughout Secondary School my dreams started looking towards the Olympics. I was training a minimum of 25 hours a weeks and my progression was at its optimum, gaining Junior national titles and European medals in the process. 2009 saw me move away from home and fully commit that period of my life to the sport, Injury set me back a few years, but my determination to go to a home Olympic games never failed me.

The following years saw the highlights of my career and the best stories I will ever get to tell. Including National titles, World Championships, Commonwealth Games, European Medals, and London 2012. Each of which allowed me wear my countries name across my back, with a smile on my face and pride in my heart. A feeling that can only be earned and never forgotten.

My recurring injury from 2009 lead me to the decision to retire from the sport at the end of 2014. I am now working with inspire+; and putting back into sport, to allow others to experience the opportunities that it can give them. I aim to inspire young children to take every opportunity, dream big, and love what they do.


Kempton House, Kempton Way
Dysart Road
NG31 7LE

01476 578 137


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