Empowering Students, Enriching Communities: The inspire+ Impact at St. Georges Primary School
Esteemed Class Teacher and committed PE Lead at St. Georges Primary School, offers a comprehensive overview of the impactful collaboration between her school and inspire+. Together, they focus on a range of objectives, including promoting physical health, optimising the use of the PE Sports Premium, nurturing children’s mental well-being, enhancing social skills, improving academic performance, and diversifying initiatives within the school community.
She speaks highly of inspire+, commending their exceptional communication and unwavering support. She describes them as an indispensable resource, always responsive and proactive in meeting the evolving needs of the school. Among the various initiatives, coaching stands out for its role in upskilling teachers and introducing diverse role models into the school environment, fostering enthusiasm and engagement among students across different age groups.
She shares numerous success stories that highlight the tangible impact of inspire+’s initiatives on both educational experiences and the broader school environment. From teachers gaining confidence in delivering subjects like Gymnastics to students embracing competitive sports with newfound enthusiasm, the transformative effects are evident.

Reflecting on her experience working closely with inspire+, the Class Teacher expresses deep gratitude for their dedication and innovative approaches. She wholeheartedly recommends Inspire+ to other schools, emphasising their invaluable contributions to physical education, school sport, and holistic student development.
Furthermore, she underscores the holistic support provided by inspire+, from mentoring programs to sports ambassadorship, which empower students and foster inclusivity and well-being.
In conclusion, St George’s Primary School emphasises that inspire+ ensures their services are fully realised within St. Georges Primary School, serving as a catalyst for positive change and holistic growth. Their collaborative approach and innovative initiatives inspire lasting impact and resilience among students.