Wrap Around Care Provision
inspire+ Reach for the Stars Wrap Around Care Provision
Uffington Primary School Care
inspire+ are delighted to be running the Wrap Around Care provision for the children and families of Uffington Primary School.
The club has a focus on physical activity. There is a recommendation from government that every child takes part in 60 minutes physical activity each day, this is made up of 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes at home. We understand that this can be hard to accommodate. Our club will give children that 30 minutes of physical activity outside of the school day.
Physical activity includes fun games and active challenges. There is not a focus on team or individual sports so please be assured this club is not aimed only for sporty children; all children, ages and abilities are welcome and accommodated. Other activities include Arts & Crafts and Forest School Skills Development. Children are also given time to relax, complete homework and have breakfast in the morning and a snack after school.
To request a parent information pack please contact us.
To help us plan the club, it is vital we receive your bookings via our magic booking system.
Bookings can now be made online by clicking here.

Uffington Primary School Care
inspire+ are delighted to be running the wrap around care provision for the children and families of Uffington Primary School from September 2019.
There has been a need expressed by parents to have a club running like this at the school to suite working parents. In order to make this club the success it deserves to be, we need you the parents to support the club and use the facility when you have the need. To help us plan the club, it is vital we receive your booking forms indicating which days and times you would be looking to use our provision.
The club is going to have a focus on physical activity, this however does not mean sport! There is a recommendation from government that every child takes part in 60 minutes physical activity each day, this is made up of 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes at home. We understand that for working parents, particularly of young children this can be hard to accommodate. Therefore, our club will give children that 30 minutes of physical activity outside of the school day. The physical activity will include fun games and active challenges, there will not be a focus on team or individual sports so please be assured this club is not aimed only for sporty children; all children, ages and abilities will be welcome and accommodated. There will be many other activities such as arts & craft undertaken as well as children given time to relax, complete homework and have breakfast in the morning and a snack after school.
To request a parent information pack please contact us. This will include FAQ’s, information on how to book and payment options, the clubs T&C’s, examples of the activities we will be running at the club and examples of how we are working with the school to ensure a smooth experience for your child/ren. Alternatively, please go to our booking section to book. PLEASE NOTE THIS PROVISION IS ONLY FOR CHILDREN FROM UFFINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL.
Bookings can now be made online by clicking here.
Kempton House, Kempton Way
Dysart Road
NG31 7LE